Coyote Sunrise ch.25

I’m glad that Coyote is being generous by giving people a free ride to their destination, but I’m not happy with Rodeo. At first when they met Lester, Salvador, and Ms. Esperanza Rodeo was cool with it. But when he met Val (not Salvador’s aunt) he was kind of acting selfish because he said “Coyote, […]

Coyote Sunrise Ch.12

Coyote was right, she needs a phone for Christmas. I understand that when Lester and Rodeo were arguing they weren’t paying attention to what was going on around them, but they took it too far! Coyote was about to have a panic attack about where the bus had gone! Then this random lady comes up […]

Coyote Sunrise Ch.1-3

I am SO happy that Rodeo excepted Ivan! At first I thought that Rodeo would get mad at Coyote for sneaking a cat onto the bus even though Rodeo said no. Another reason that I thought Rodeo wouldn’t except Ivan was because Ivan accidentally stuck his claws into Rodeo’s neck. Luckily, Rodeo and Ivan have […]